Terrorism is an extremely sensitive topic without trying to insult the religion of Islam at the same time
We must find out what the religion is all about because it must be good. There are almost 2 billion people in the world practising it and not all 2 billion people want to kill an innocent person.
Terrorism is the most evil form of human behaviour.
Terrorism in Islam is not represented by its religion; in fact if you’re a terrorist In Islam you are not a Muslim.
It must be understand that this however through the means of the social media such as Twitter, Facebook and even American people and organisations such as the American president uses this to divide the nations for a common cause of say winning an election say or the same methods are used by the IS through the Internet to divide and enrol.
It is already agreed that Islam is independent of terrorism and therefore the terrorist must be eliminated psychologically and made out to be as a violent criminal evil entity.
We have basically produced an exercise where various scenarios by celebrities are given by the politician firing various questions at the celebrities and they must act out why they’re doing what they are when they’re going to be a terrorist say.
it has been preached by the Prophet Muhammad that there would be 99 versions of the religion of Islam and only one will be correct therefore it is not possible that that this perverted version of the religion is a true version. To find out the root cause of terrorism in Islam in fact the meaning of Jihad must be evaluated because it would be correct to say that not even the Muslims understand this.
It is defined as a cause in which you fight in the cause of God; but not by physical means only when all peaceful solutions are exhausted. So remains the questions do Muslims know the cause of god and it is agreed it is not to kill innocent lives.
It must be noted that god”s causes are many and one of the causes in Islam is not to kill another human being.