Politicians are looking for something different to be involved with that puts them in touch with society.
A normal politician are dis -engaged away from society, they do their education and go straight into politics
They lack the one to one with the public and their personality becomes very sales man like.
Here at UN4all we engaged the ordinary person with a politician so that they are not just in touch with their rich backers but the core middle and working individual.
We aim to change the world with the politician coming out of their comfort zone.
Politicians rather than coming on news program and giving an opinion or a commentary here is a chance to step out of the anti-establishment movement and actually fire questions that they the public and we the people want to hear.
So this is the platform for a politician to actually deliver answers and come up with solution rather than opinion that is non-biased; that is not a democratic or a Republican view or a black or a white view or a Trump or an anti-tramp view
Politicians are actually begging in to come on board onto a worldwide platform where recognition is given to them by not just by world leaders but the world public but also make a difference to make a change and step out of their normal comfort zone