List of actors and politicians taking part is given below
Give pictures of support
How we develop an advanced technological platform that is the future of social media and combine it with TV networks is pure inspirational wisdom.
The question is how we measure a person’s heart and related it to a person’s intentions.
Also how do we actually know that the person is real as opposed to fake such as the hacking of the US elections by the Russians and so how do we put a dialogue in video form to show and make the general public understand what the dialogue is about and what the two people in the dialogue are trying to achieve.
The double slit experiment forms the basis of quantum physics which has led to the discovery of items as the nuclear power and weapons and has led to inventions such as the chips in computers and the iPhone that this is being read on or the smart phone or any other instruments.
This double slit experiment designate that the electron can be in one place or another and it is only when it is measured that the reality occurs meaning that the only reality that occurs is the conscious mind when it looks at the experiment.
With this in mind it has been found out from research that the heart is the first organ or thing that beats when a baby is born; if it is the first thing that beats then the only way to discover its origin is to work backwards.
Relating quantum physics to the conscious mind and the beating of the heart will give us a designated fact that the first emotion and empathy actually comes from the heart and it has electromagnetic waves that can be measured.
The electromagnetic waves if measured could be our intention in the quantum sense and emotion can only exist as a physical entity and whether it’s a good emotion or a bad emotion is based on our own judgment and decision.
This is the same experience used in the double slit experiment.
Therefore what we are trying to achieve is that the intentions of a person comes directly from the heart rate
Hence if a person “s intentions and heart rate is measured over time with their permission and a pattern is discovered then our computing will map out by asking questions “what is your aim”, and “what is your intention and then how you get to your destination will be designated by looking at the heart rate or whether they have not stated their true intention and classed as a lie.
With this in mind we will create an instrument and platform where every time somebody is typing something on Facebook or say on Twitter their intentions to be mapped out and people can see this to be factual or not and the person reading it will know if it’s the truth.
Relating these platforms in real time to the TV programs that we have set up will be a revolution in the sense that actors are doing what they want which is being a philanthropist and politicians are doing what they want which is coming out of the anti-establishment mode in an election year and the general public is now able to understand and communicate better with true intentions.
Please note the list of our partners which is important in putting this exercise extends from external of America as well as only from externally can America salvage problem of topics such as racism for example Africa where the original black community resides.
By forming the racism committee this includes people that are renowned in Africa and have experienced such things as apartheid but also internally in America such as Mike Tyson, Evander Holyfield and other renowned Hollywood celebrities.
As well as the racism committee from Africa we have the G cloud system that we are working with in Europe and from relationship with the European governments under the company Missing X with are our partners looking after airports securities in such places as Heathrow and Paris as well as Seattle. We also have governmental based backing from Asia such as Pakistan and India where are apps and platforms are being developed. Therefore our support is vast and not only from governmental organisation to takle our objectives.
There is a unanimous support from America, from bodies that are experiencing racism and that are experiencing fake news.
This consists of working together with committees such as the Senate hearing committees.
The main aim of forming these bodies and unity between these groups is to get rid of uncertainties around the world.
Polictians and Actors taking part;