What our future intentions and projects are?
The internet revolution has let to many a solution, but it has also let to many a problem such as fake news, the rise of the far right and terrorism.
Now there is a new revolution that is ironing out those problems. This revolution is about the self and trust. There is new technology that we are using called blockchain technology and it gives back trust to the individual and eliminates the middle man.
Things such as banks, brokers in transactions would be a thing of the past.
We are using this technology in a real-time democracy; which is opinions and elections through the social media now that trust would be enthralled back into our system through this technology.
We aim to create a media medium that is the future. It will make the audience it being every single individual into to have more wisdom to select the correct Government; be more appreciative of the migrant problem so as to integrate within communities to eliminate racism. We want a media medium that educates a society that combines with other TV networks and can produce a rival and a balance to the uncensored un-filtered ways of the social media.
In the future we will use a mixture of “A “list actors coupled with ordinary up-and-coming actors from all walks of life from all countries in order that their participation is one it can be used do you right by organisation; merges and communities where they’re improvisation is spot on and use breaking network to air this; supported by comments on social media used to springboard more understanding and an uprising for change and actually bring out a change unlike the Arab Spring which still has no solution
In a world where discrimination is increasing; where the dominant powers the wealthiest are controlling all is increasing and in a world full of the internet we want to create an inspirational audience to change the world and the audience to be better educated on topics unlike the world that Hitler was voted in
We believe in a Hollywood ending and that even if some people believe that the future is written, to be eternal and to live in the moment will yield by us making positive choices and to make the future as great as we want it to be.