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Billionaire club
The billionaires club or the 1% club is the richest 1% in the world that have more money than the rest of the world combined.
That is ultimate power to change the world meaning this fraction of people have more ultimate power than all of us combined.
This is a fact if we assume that money is power and has power to get things done.
What money does is that it has the ability to buy.
Buying media packages, contributing to elections, buying items such as crops for governmental bodies and even investing in governmental projects and more importantly investing to change the attitude of the world by buying the media networks and controlling it.
It would be difficult to control the media especially if the media is free and unedited such as the social media which has brought about the Arab Spring that has led to displacement of migrants and possibly lead to Brexit and then the Trump era.
This is activated the far right because everything is un-edited and unplugged.
Just think what a powerful tool this 1% of the world could be if they manipulate the media and have invested with a common goal of changing the world for better in great causes.
The billionaire and the 1% club have the power to influence 1% and change the world by doing good deeds such as controlling climate change. Also a more balanced society could result from less racism and bringing a balance to the business community by increasing the wealth of the country and hence the global world.
The biggest growing nation in the world was China with a rate of growth of 14%, currently it has a growth rate of only 6% this is due to trade wars social media and interference by external powers. There are off course cycles but even the cycles can be manipulated.
Our objective is to get these billionaires to increase the global growth but at the same time keep a noble stance such as keeping global climate down, racism down and globalisation up.
The collective aim must be to live in a peace time environment with global growth that is inspired by ever-changing technology and globalisation which is very much inevitable if technology is increasing.
We are putting up TV programs on the media networks in America and in Europe and this strongly backed up by our billionaires club.
This 1% club will generate income by making money by betting on a strong economy with banks (affectively shortening the market).
The TV media will be there in principle to put up these programs and deliver an understanding to the watching public and manipulate global growth.
Stimulation of a good growth is the result of a stable economy and a high level of competition, resulting from less climate change, less racism and competition of the highest when races mix and there is globalisation.