Actors change the world;
It is not just kids that follow actors,
When adults see a movie we try to emulate say a fight scene for example or the way they can fight. Acting is the way a child learns and it is still how we adults learn. It’s just that we are caught up in the day-to-day mystic of life that we do not realise this point.
Actors would benefit from this purely because they’re changing the world.
In this exercise actors are more important than the acting profession they now represent taking real life people with real life problems and hence the general public will now take them seriously and not just actors but someone more important than a politician-very much like and a real activist that stands for something.
We will raise the value of an actor but also convince an audience as to what is the real message.
Actors have always expressed in speeches whenever they receive an award on how they feel about certain agendas in society and they seem to become patron of causes.
So here is an opportunity to express what they feel rather than give a sketches on SNL as a comedy satire on topics such as the travel ban; terrorism; globalisation; discrimination because they too want to make unity their cause because they too are a product and need global acceptance .
For actors, this is a dream part to play in the sense it is a part that reflects an improvisational exercise of reality in society injustices in the world.
In this sense the actor is improvising having fun; improvising in the above roles to change society and to change societies opinion and to have an impact.
Audiences are unlike a movie audience, it is the general public worldwide that have probably never even watched movies. This is not just the American public but worldwide people in trouble; people that are being discriminated and people that know what the world looks like away from the movies and here is their part to speak to a bigger audience to reflect something of what they feel but also make a difference and make a change which is what acting is all about.
This is a chance away from the Grammys, the Oscars and the Golden Globes to express themselves how they really feel.
Here is a chance for actors to be taken seriously in politics because they’re standing next to politician’s lawmakers and decision-makers who are throwing questions at them regarding the real issues such as terrorism, such as the travel ban and such as the Trump presidency that seem to preach discrimination against whites and blacks.
These questions are actually examined in an improvisational fun exercise that actors will enjoy and would be able to get more output from then a movie ever can.
Here is an opportunity to cross boundaries with an audience of hundred million in one night and change the world which is what an actor is trying to do, that is making himself now being taken seriously.